National Weekender

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BY; AL HUMPHREY ONYANABO; 234 80 2320 1073

Top Nolly wood actor and model has a good thing going for him. The public loves his face and producers fall over themselves to pay good cash to have him feature in their movies. In these hard times when Nollywood producers have complained to me about dwindling sales of movies, a guy, who pays you n1.3 million has don you a favour. He could have picked any body else. But Jim Iyke thinks he is a super man and does not honour engagements. He walks into set at will and drives away to frollick with little girls and drink when shooting is not concluded, abandoning others on set and making the producers to incur bills and delay production.
If you ask me Jim is an irresponsible oaf, who should be sanctioned by the Actor Guild of Nigeria. He should also be placed on a two year ban. He acts the same childish roles in all his movies; an insolent, insultive super brat. Big deal for an actor. Many swollen headed artists have fallen from grace to grace and they are begging with tears for a chance to get back on main street. Jim iyke should go seek out Edrees Abdulkareem. At one time that fellow thought without him, there will be no music in Nigeria. The Indian hemp he smoke gave him grand illusions of his super stardom and he decided to try the American super star 50 CENTS for size. His act cost Nigerian Breweries organizers of the show hundreds of millions and they lost face. They took their revenge on the stupid Edrees and shut down the fool. In four years plus, he has not been invited to a concert and his career is in the refuse dump. That is where Jim Iyke is striving to be. I wish him luck.


People usually expects a bundle of law suits to flow after the death of fire brands like chief Gani Fawehinmi. He has put them all to shame. In life Gani was meticulous to a fault. In death he also put his affairs together so tidily that he will become the bench mark by which the rich dead will be judged regarding who will they planned for their posterity.

In death and in life , he was generous to those around him. He made provisions for all his people ensuring that none will suffer lack or one big brother will not sit on the property and claim sole heir. Gani put every body in their places. Some prominent lawyers we know have died and their families are shameless in court fighting over their estate. In Gani’s case his family is at peace. The recipients of his generosity have started collecting their cheques. That’s a real big man. Not the penny pinchers who claim they are rich.

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