Unveiling Bluetooth 5.0: Faster, Better, Smarter and Cooler!!
The next generation of Bluetooth will come with quadruple the range and would have two times the speed of what is currently available thanks to Bluetooth 5.0, which was announced sometime back by the Special Interest Group-SIG and will be made available to device manufacturers as early as late this year.
Bluetooth 5.0’s features are mostly just what SIG hinted last year, when its chairman Toby Nixon revealed that there was “a significant demand” to enhance Bluetooth. That demand comes in large part from devices connected to the Internet of Things especially low-power beacons.
“Increasing operation range will allow connections to loT devices that extend far beyond the walls of a regular home, at the same time increasing speed and supports data transfers and software updates for devices. SIG Executive Director Mark Powell stated in a statement; “And now with the ability to broadcast a much richer set of information, Bluetooth 5 will make beacons, location awareness, and other connectionless services an even more relevant part of an effortless and seamless loT experience.”
That richer set of information can be credited to what is probably Bluetooth 5.0’s most important feature: connectionless data transfers. Gone are the days of consumers trying to set uo wireless keyboards and connect portable speaker and other related devices to their smart phones, and amazingly, the Bluetooth pairing process would also be a thing of the past. It is purported to come with a range of 350 meters
Rather than automatically requesting to pair with a device, Bluetooth 5.0 is actually smart enough to analyze the type of connection needed to transfer the data. Warehouse manager, for example, will be able to pinpoint an item in their inventory just by walking by the stacks. Travelers will be able to locate the nearest Mr Biggs in a foreign town without internet connection.
Of course, these and other various loT tasks are already possible with the present generation of loT devices, but Bluetooth’s advantage is its universality and omnipresence. Worldwide there are currently 8.2 billion products using Bluetooth, according to SIG, which predicts it will be installed in one-third of all loT devices by 2020.
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